Arctic Fox Centre in Westfjords

The Arctic Fox Centre is the place to be when looking to learn more about these exciting little creatures. Gain a closer insight into how Iceland is making the best efforts to help these native animals and share this knowledge. The Arctic Fox Centre was first established back in September 2007 in Sudavik, a small village in the Westfjords region of Iceland. The founders of the centre were mostly local people, travel operators and municipalities based in the Westfjords. All of them share the same level of interest in the arctic foxes and believe in increasing ecotourism in Iceland! The idea of the Arctic Fox Centre comes from professor Pall Hersteinsson, from the University of Iceland.

What is The Arctic Fox Museum in Westfjords?

The Arctic Fox Centre in Westfjords is a non-profit exhibition and research centre that focuses on the stunning Arctic Fox (Vulpes Lagopus) - which is the only native terrestrial mammal in Iceland!

The Arctic Fox Centre takes on the role of being an active research organisation that specialises and focuses all of its projects on the Arctic fox in Iceland and specifically in the Westfjords. The centre is best known for its various monitoring projects on the Hornstrandir Nature Reserve which they run in collaboration with the Icelandic Nature Institute! These projects also include all fields of biology, ecology and even anthropology and literature. The long term aim at the centre is to collect all available knowledge and material that is relevant to the arctic fox in past and present.

Volunteering opportunities are sometimes available at the centre for those who want to help out and do their part in the study of the arctic foxes. Those who take part in volunteering are required to spend at least 12 days in Westfjords, as well as two days before and two days after the survey to Hornstrandir. The two days prior will be used to help prepare the field trip, pack the gear and food and be ready for take-off. The two days after will be used to clean and store the gear and to fill out spreadsheets with all of the data that was collected in the field. The Arctic fox centre will provide accommodation in Súðavík during these days!

  • Appropriate clothing is recommended
  • The centre is closed between October and May
  • Donations are welcome
  • Volunteer opportunities are available occasionally
  • Check out to find out more about volunteering