Welcome to Shiverpool, Liverpool’s premier ghost and history tour experience that delves deep into the city’s haunted heritage. Nestled in the heart of the North of England, Liverpool is a city rich in history, culture, and tales of the paranormal. Shiverpool introduces its visitors to the mysterious and macabre aspects of this historic city through a series of spine-tingling tours. Whether you’re a local looking to uncover the hidden secrets of your city or a visitor eager to explore Liverpool’s darker side, Shiverpool promises an unforgettable journey into the unknown.

Discovering Shiverpool

Shiverpool offers a variety of tours, each designed to explore different areas and aspects of Liverpool’s ghostly past. From the infamous Hope Street Shivers to the Auld City and Dead House tour, participants are guided through ancient alleyways, cobbled streets, and even secret tunnels beneath the city. The guides are not only experts in spookiness but also possess a deep knowledge of Liverpool’s history, ensuring that every story told is as informative as it is chilling.

What makes Shiverpool different from other ghost tours?

Shiverpool sets itself apart by offering a unique blend of history and horror without relying solely on jump scares or fabricated tales; it combines meticulously researched stories with historical records for an educational yet eerily entertaining experience.

The spine-chilling tours

One of the most popular tours is ‘The Hope Street Shivers,’ which takes visitors on a journey between two of Liverpool’s most haunted cathedrals. Along this route, tales of ghosts, ghouls, and shadowy figures are interwoven with historical facts about these iconic landmarks. Another must-experience tour is ‘The Auld City and Dead House,’ which explores Liverpool’s historic docks and merchant quarters – areas teeming with stories from centuries past when Liverpool was one of the world’s leading ports.

A unique blend of history and horror

What sets Shiverpool apart from other ghost tours is its unique blend of history and horror. The tours do not rely solely on jump scares or fabricated tales; instead, they offer a deeply atmospheric experience that pays homage to Liverpool’s rich tapestry. Each story is meticulously researched, blending folklore with historical records to provide an experience that is both educational and eerily entertaining.

An immersive experience

The guides at Shiverpool are master storytellers who bring each tale to life with passion and dramatic flair. Dressed in period costume and equipped with lanterns to light their way through the darkened streets, they create an immersive atmosphere that transports participants back in time. It’s this commitment to authenticity that makes each tour feel like stepping into another era – one where the veil between this world and the next seems perilously thin.

Why visit Shiverpool?

Beyond its entertainment value, visiting Shiverpool offers insight into aspects of Liverpool’s history that are often overlooked by traditional tours. It provides a unique perspective on the city’s architectural beauty, social history, and cultural heritage – all while delivering thrills and chills aplenty. Whether you’re seeking an alternative night out or interested in learning more about Liverpool’s ghostly inhabitants past and present, Shiverpool caters to all curiosities.


  • Tours explore different areas including Hope Street between two haunted cathedrals
  • Guides share stories interwoven with historical facts about iconic landmarks
  • ‘The Auld City & Dead House’ tour delves into historic docks & merchant quarters
  • Unique blend of history & horror using meticulously researched stories
  • Immersive experiences provided by guides dressed in period costume using lanterns for atmosphere
  • Insight into overlooked aspects of Liverpool’s social history & cultural heritage

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