Are you ready to challenge your friends to the ultimate game of laser tag? At Lazer world, they are ready to kit you up with your own armour and your own laser blaster and head into battle.

Where is Lazer World?

Lazer World is located on Spindle Way in the town centre.

The aim of the game is simple to complete, shoot others wearing body armour to rack up points to get a high score. Lazer world has created their very own unique and custom map for you to have the best chance of completing your mission of defeating your friends of teaming up together to get the highest scores possible.  The map is dimly lit with a lot of walls for you to take cover and hide. The centre is also a great place to host events such as birthday parties and can cater to up to thirty-six people at once! If you are looking for an action-packed day with your friends this is definitely the activity for the stack.

  • Ages 6+
  • Prices – One game £6.50, Two games £11, Three games £15
  • Opening times – Tuesday to Friday – 2 pm to 8 pm, Sat – 10 am to 8 pm, Sun – 10 am to 6 pm
  • Private hire available
  • Duration 15 mins +

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