Visit Canterbury Cathedral

Welcome to Canterbury Cathedral, a beacon of Christianity and architectural grandeur located in the heart of Canterbury, South East England. This magnificent cathedral is not only a UNESCO World Heritage Site but also the seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the leader of the Church of England and symbolic leader of the worldwide Anglican Communion. With its history stretching back over 1,400 years, it offers visitors an unparalleled journey through time, showcasing stunning Gothic architecture, breathtaking stained glass windows, and a rich tapestry of historical events that have shaped both the church and nation.

A Journey Through Time

The story of Canterbury Cathedral begins with St. Augustine’s mission to bring Christianity to England in 597 AD, sent by Pope Gregory the Great. The original church built for this purpose has evolved through centuries of rebuilds, renovations, and restorations into the spectacular structure we see today. Its most significant transformation occurred in the 12th century following a fire which led to a rebuilding in the Gothic style, introducing features such as pointed arches and ribbed vaults that captivate visitors.

The Martyrdom of Thomas Becket

One cannot discuss Canterbury Cathedral without mentioning Thomas Becket. His assassination in 1170 within its walls turned Canterbury into one of Europe’s most important pilgrimage sites during the Middle Ages. The site where Becket was killed is marked by a striking sculpture, and nearby stands a candle that perpetually burns in his memory. Pilgrims and tourists alike are drawn to this spot to reflect on his life and death.

What makes Canterbury Cathedral a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

Canterbury Cathedral is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its outstanding universal value as an architectural masterpiece showcasing significant developments in medieval religious architecture. Its rich history as a pilgrimage site following Thomas Becket's martyrdom further underscores its cultural importance.

Architectural Marvels

The cathedral’s architecture is a feast for the eyes. From its towering Bell Harry Tower to the intricate fan vaulting of the ceiling in The Corona chapel, every corner holds something awe-inspiring. The Great Cloister leads visitors through beautifully detailed medieval stonework towards Chapter House while providing tranquil views of meticulously maintained gardens.

Stained Glass Stories

A highlight for many are Canterbury Cathedral’s stained glass windows. Some date back to the 12th century and tell stories from both biblical times and from lives of saints including Thomas Becket himself. These vibrant windows not only illuminate the cathedral with colorful light but also serve as an invaluable record of medieval artistry and storytelling techniques.

Visiting Today

In addition to exploring its historic fabric, visitors can attend daily services at Canterbury Cathedral or enjoy one of its many concerts or special events held throughout the year. Whether you’re seeking spiritual solace or simply wish to marvel at its beauty and historical significance, Canterbury Cathedral offers an enriching experience for all who walk through its doors.


  • UNESCO World Heritage Site status
  • Seat of Archbishop of Canterbury
  • Over 1,400 years old
  • Gothic architectural style following 12th-century rebuild
  • Martyrdom site of Thomas Becket
  • Spectacular stained glass windows dating back to 12th century
  • Daily services open to public attendance

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