Riverside Theatre in County Londonderry

The Ulster University campus in Coleraine, where the theatre is located, has a population of about 140,000 people. The Giant’s Causeway, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that attracts a great number of visitors and tourists each year, is located in this geographically spectacular location.

Why should I go to Riverside Theatre in County Londonderry?

The Riverside Theatre is a small 278–350 seat theatre which has lots of different plays and entertainment such as music, dance, drama and so much more for every age group!

The Riverside Theatre was commissioned as a major project by the New University of Ulster (now Ulster University) in the 1970s, at the height of The Troubles, a great time in Northern Ireland’s history. There were no other theatres open and running outside of Belfast city centre at the time, however it was a particularly good moment for the establishment of new theatres and artistic facilities across the river in England and Scotland. The Theatre earned the coveted Architect’s Award for one of the greatest public architectural elements in the UK in 1977 just a few months after it opened. In the same year, as part of her official visit to the New University of Ulster in Coleraine, HM The Queen declared the Theatre open in person.

Enjoy a multitude of different shows to experience at the Riverside Theatre with additonal information including:

  • Broadway and the West End
  • Mickey Bartlett DECKCHAIR comedy show
  • Kaz Hawkins Live music lounge
  • Tickets can start at £20
  • Perfect for the whole family with lots of seats at all venues!



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