Experience the Thrill of Skydiving in Abel Tasman

Jump into your next great adventure with Skydive Abel Tasman! With a friendly and welcoming team of professionals to make sure you have the best experience possible, Skydive Abel Tasman is the perfect place to visit for anyone looking for an adrenaline-packed adventure! Add to your stack now to leap into a world of excitement!

Where can I find Skydive Abel Tasman?

Skydive Abel Tasman can be found by following State Highway 60 North through Tasman and turning off onto King Edward Street and going straight toward College Street.

Upon your arrival, the first thing to do is get introduced to the friendly team of staff and fill in a short form. You will then be taken into the theatre and be presented with a video to give you an idea of what you will be doing and see what the venue’s camera production is like! Feel free to ask as many questions as you can think of here!

Once you have been briefed on the upcoming skydive, it is time to relax and enjoy some chill time where you can make use of the venue’s free WiFi and even try and spot some fellow skydivers in the air! When the time comes, you will gear up into your jumpsuit, harness, helmet and goggles before meeting your tandem skydive partner and receiving instructions on exiting the plane and freefalling!

Once you are on the plane, that is when the excitement really kicks in! Take in the incredible views as your tandem partner shows you some of the spectacular surroundings. If you opted for a designated camera person, they will snap up some pictures of you before you jump! The plane doors will open and your tandem partner will get you into position. Before you know it you will be leaping into a world of adrenaline and excitement as you begin your freefall through the air! The camera person will also be jumping after you to capture your face as you experience the rush of the fall!

Before you know it, the rush of excitement turns into blissful peace as your parachute is deployed. This is where you can truly appreciate the spectacular surroundings! When you land as soft as a feather on the ground, you will be itching to get back up there and do it all over again!

  • Abel Tasman Adventure Package $399
  • Double Deluxe Package $499
  • Family Deluxe Package (4 People) $998
  • 20,000ft Tandem Dive $599
  • 9,000ft Tandem Dive $289
  • For more information on other packages and dives, please visit the Skydive Abel Tasman website

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